how to check errors or disable error checking using disk check

    If you are an advanced user of windows computer then you are familiar with windows error checking or disk check. You may need to use this function sometimes.
    In other case, if you are new to windows and disk check is annoying you during the startup, you might want to get rid of it.
    This article is really helpful to you if you want to use disk check or stop error checking.
    Just follow the steps bellow

1.       Open ‘my computer’ and right click on any drive then click ‘properties’
2.       Click the tools tab, and then under Error Checking click the ‘Check’ button. If it needs administrator password, give it

Click image to view full size

3.       It will ask you to start error checking 
4.       After getting your approval it will start error checking and after a while it will show the errors found / no error found dialogue. You don’t need to do anything more

Note: if it’s an active drive, it can’t check for errors while it’s in use. So it will ask you to schedule the scanning of errors during the next boot.

During the next boot, you will see some kind of dialogue like this one

If the error checking is successful and the errors are fixed it won’t be seen during the next boot but if it’s failed then it will check for errors during every boot, so you must be annoyed by this.
So follow …

How to disable the error checking during boot

You can do it in two ways.

A.    Through the command prompt.

1.       Open a command line window as an administrator.
2.       Type    ‘chkntfs’    and then add the switch   ‘/x’    and then type the drive letter followed by a semicolon such as ‘c:’ ‘d:’ etc. … this ‘/x’ is a switch which excludes a drive from the default boot-time check. So if you want to exclude c drive , type the commands below
chkntfs /x c:
If you want to exclude more than one drive then the command line will be same but the drive letters should be added at the end of the line
                chkntfs /x c: d: e: (etc…..)
B.    Through the registry editor.

To disable automatic disk checking at Windows startup through registry, go to the following registry key.   The location is

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager

In the right hand pane, double click BootExecute.

The default value of the key is autocheck autochk *

* means every drive is checked for consistency. Just add /K:C at the end before *. /K switch will disable autocheck on C: drive at Windows startup. So the final value should look like this:
autocheck autochk /k:C *

If you want to add more drives, the key should look like this: (disabling C and D drives)
autocheck autochk /k:C /k:D *

If you want to restore everything to default, just replace the key with the default one i.e.
autocheck autochk *

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